Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Drew's first day of 2nd grade!

Since we're in year round school, Drew returned back yesterday in the heat of the summer. Can you believe how grown up and mature he looks? It's killing me!
Jeff, Will and I walked to school with him and helped him find where his class lines up in the morning. A few of his friends from last year are in his class, but he says he's excited about making new ones too.
Each year that we walk him to school there are fewer parents walking with their kids... it made Jeff and I wonder how long we'll keep up the tradition of walking him on the first day? Jeff joked "I can't see us walking him to high school and taking pictures his senior year!" So I guess sometime between now and then we'll stop... In the meantime, I enjoy it, even though my heart always breaks when he turns around and walks through the school doors, leaving me behind and slipping through my fingers all the time.


Jess said...

He's so precious! When did he get his hair cut? Kendall and Bailey start Kindergarten on Monday!

Wendi said...

Thanks Jess! It makes me so happy to know that someone out there gives a dang about what my little family is up to! I know you are super busy, but I would totally read and respond to your blog if you had one:) Tell Baily and Kendall good luck on Monday!