Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Drew's first day of 2nd grade!

Since we're in year round school, Drew returned back yesterday in the heat of the summer. Can you believe how grown up and mature he looks? It's killing me!
Jeff, Will and I walked to school with him and helped him find where his class lines up in the morning. A few of his friends from last year are in his class, but he says he's excited about making new ones too.
Each year that we walk him to school there are fewer parents walking with their kids... it made Jeff and I wonder how long we'll keep up the tradition of walking him on the first day? Jeff joked "I can't see us walking him to high school and taking pictures his senior year!" So I guess sometime between now and then we'll stop... In the meantime, I enjoy it, even though my heart always breaks when he turns around and walks through the school doors, leaving me behind and slipping through my fingers all the time.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Daring Drew...

Drew has become quite the swimmer this summer. He is testing his limits like crazy! The first time I saw him jump off the diving board I was in total shock! Then he just swam to the side of the pool like he'd been doing it for years. And as if that wasn't enough, last night he jumped off the high dive like 7 or 8 times! (I lost track after the 5th jump.) Now he says the low dive is too easy and only wants to jump off the high one.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

We love visitors!

We were so happy to have our friends Stephanie, Craig, Nathan, Sarah and Kyle Clark come and stay with us for a few days on their cross-country vacation from California to North Carolina. We were good friends with the Clark's when we lived in Georgia many moons ago. Back then we didn't have quite as many kids between us, but from the moment our kids met, they all got along great together! We had a BBQ, played a lot of Rock Band, and took them on a tour of the Copper Mine that's not far from our house. We also introduced them to Cafe Rio! It was a great visit and we were all so sad when they had to continue on their way.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Rockband Baby!

Our basement has been transformed into the coolest rock studio ever! Complete with drums, guitar and singer... we rock out to the likes of every band you can imagine from All American Rejects to Weezer. Everybody takes turns each time playing each different instrument. Jeff and Drew are both awesome on the drums... Will and I, not so much... But Will and I LOVE to sing!! He even got 83% singing Bon Jovi's "Wanted dead or alive"! Drew, Jeff and I are all really good on guitar... but Drew is quickly leaving us in the dust!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fourth of July Parade!

My editor invited us to ride on the Valley Journals float in the West Jordan parade on the 4th of July. It was the first time the boys had ever had the opportunity to be on the other side of the parade and they were so excited!

Drew is still holding a grudge from a time when he was 3 and we were at the Riverton Town Days parade and one of the teenagers riding on a flatbed truck carrying the Riverton High School football team threw a piece of candy and hit him in the eyeball. He's still angry about it! So when he found out we got to throw candy to the kids, his first reaction was, "Sweet! If I see a teenager, I'm going to throw it right in his eye!" I tried to explain that that kid who threw the candy is probably 22 years old now and surely karma had settled the score by now so there's no sense harboring such ill will toward the entire population of teenagers... but he still couldn't wait to get even. (That must be the Jeffy in him who is the master grudge holder!)

Well, he never got a chance to get even because the parade runs down Redwood Rd. which is a HUGE road for a parade and the parade officials wouldn't let us throw candy from the moving float, so the only way to get candy to the yelling crowds of kids was to run along side and throw it to them... so needless to say, we got lots of exercise that day but I'm pleased to announce that Drew was on his best behavior and did not hit any teenagers in the eye with candy!

You may notice our cool firecracker hats that we made to wear in the parade... I'm afraid this might be the last year I can con Drew into wearing funny hats. He said "Mom, I kind of get embarassed when I wear this hat. Do I still have to wear it?" And of course I said "Yes! You have to wear it!" because that's just the kind of mom I am! If I spent the time making it, you better wear it! But next year I may let him off the hook.

One other funny story... as we were running alongside the float handing out candy we heard a group of people yelling "WILL!" And I couldn't think of who would know my sweet little Will... but it turns out one of his little friends from preschool who was on the side saw him and recognized him so his whole family was shouting to get his attention. Will was so happy to see him but confused that he was there at all. He kept asking "Why is Gage here?" Still he ran over and gave him some candy and said hello and then ran back to the float... As we were driving home later he asked again, "Why was Gage there?" Too funny!

Happy 4th of July everyone!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Welcome to our Blog!

This is a perfect example of me hopping on the bandwagon! I am officially starting my families blog, as if keeping our family scrapbooks up to date wasn't enough work! Here I go...

This is us: Wendi, Will, Jeff and Drew... I put us in that order so the acronym of our name reads WWJD... Because I'm attempting to be funny!

So I guess I will try keeping a blog about our families goings-on and I will try to keep it updated... Although I'm not sure who I'm writing this to?
Comment if you read it so it will keep me motivated to keep updating! Have a great day!