Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Will's 1st day of Pre-Kindergarten!

Will was so excited for his first day of school that he put on his Spiderman packback at 10:00 am even though school didn't start until 1:oo pm. He has been wanting to go back to school ever since Drew started in July. Partly because I bought them both brand new pairs of Vans gray and black checkered shoes and then told them they couldn't wear them until the first day of school... so Drew's been able to wear his for over a month, but Will had to wait until today! Am I mean or what? It just made the whole experience even more exciting for him! It's all about the clothes, you know!

So I drove him to school and he just gave me a quick kiss good-bye and hopped out of the car like he'd been doing this for years... no separation anxiety whatsoever! I just don't understand why he's in such a big hurry to grow up! At least he's promised me that no matter how big he gets, he'll always be my snuggle bunny!
Update: When I picked Will up from school on his first day, the first thing he said to me was "Mom, I was the goodest listener ever!" I was so proud of him! (I waited until our dinner conversation to teach him the proper grammar, so as not to spoil his moment:)


Shane and Geana said...

I just wanted to tell you I love reading your blog. Our boys had a blast together this weekend and Will told me he was starting pre-k on Tuesday. It is nice to stay in touch. Geana

Julie Robinson said...

Is he at the same place Leif and Drew went to?

Wendi said...

No, I didn't put him back at Newcastle because I wanted him to have an opportunity to meet more kids in our neighborhood... so I put him a home based pre-school just down the street. He's already reading and can count to 100 without help, so I figured academically he's doing great, we just needed a social outlet for him. So far he loves it!