Friday, November 20, 2009

Change for China - Part 1

This is my good friend Kate who recently moved to China. She is going to be living there for two years and she graciously invited us to come for a visit. Well, maybe she was just being nice because she never expected we'd actually come, but we're going!! All four of us! We've already begun our saving plan (yes, of course we have one! If you know anything about me you'd know we're savers and planners!).

Our first plan of attack at acquiring the necessary funds for our adventure has been my current gig working as a long-term substitute teacher at a local middle school teaching French (yes, I speak French... I minored in it in college and was certified to teach back in 1997). I'm just filling in while the regular teacher is out on maternity leave, so I'm just there until December 22. I'm not going to be making a fortune but every penny I make I'm saving for China! (I should add that while I'm teaching I'm WAY busier than normal so I may fall behind on this blogging bit, but I'll do my best to keep up!)

Next, I'm going to be working again for the Associated Press at the Sundance Film Festival in 2010, so that will be the next chunk of change I save for our trip... more to come on that.

The boys are trying to get in on the "Change for China" campaign as well... they've got a plan to set up a table near the crosswalk at their elementary school and sell after school snacks to kids on their way home from school. It sounds like a great idea to me, but we have to wait until the boys are off track in order to pull it off, and they don't go off track again until January, which may be too cold for an outside stand, but they're not giving up hope, they're thinking of selling hot chocolate or something warm like that... we'll see how it goes:)

Jeff's doing his part as well... he's already had his leave approved so he has the time off and everything! It's pretty amazing! I am so excited and really, really, really hope this all works out! I will definitely keep you posted on our progress! In the meantime, I'd like to invite you all to view Kate's blog called "Ron and Kate plus 8 million". It's hilarious! She's a fabulous writer and very, very funny! She talks all about her culture shock surrounding her move to this foreign country. It's really great! You should check it out! Here's the link: Enjoy!


Shane and Geana said...

That sounds like the vacation of a lifetime. I hope all the saving goes well, especially the ones where the boys pitch in, that is so cool!!

Stacey said...

Ohhh!! I am so excited for you guys!! The best part about us living in England was the opportunity we gave to family and friends to come and visit and I am sure your friend feels the same. Kyle has been to China a couple of times for work and he wants us all to go eventually. CAT sends some of its employees to China but England was adventerous enough for me. Sometimes no matter the cost you just have to take opportunity when it is offered!

Lynsie said...

A couple years ago Alan had the chance to be moved to China for work. At first I was freaked out... what would we eat? (you know since everything 'Chinese' here is Americanized) and how would we get around, what kind of housing, and transportation would they provide, what would I do with no job? Well after all those questions, I was gung ho for it, ready to go explore the world for FREE and get a great experience out of it. Well as you can tell he didn't get transferred and we were bummed :(
I am so glad you guys get the opportunity to take your kids there, they are so lucky. They will never know how lucky they are. My kids are and always will be lucky to get out of Ogden :)

Have fun planning, and BTW I am so jealous of your ambitious quality you have.