Wednesday, November 5, 2008

First snowman of the season...

When I came home from work this afternoon I was so happy to be welcomed by Jeff and Will's first snowman of the season. It made me smile and cheered me up after driving home in the blasted snow!!

Will woke up at 7:30 this morning because he was so excited about the snow! He came in the bathroom where I was getting ready with a perma-grin on his face, demanding I let him put his snowpants on so he could go outside and make a snowman. I told him it was too early and besides, "there's not enough snow to make a snowman..." I was so elated that Jeff helped Will prove me wrong!

Will was so proud of his work on the head and he explained that dad did the two bottom circles. Then Will had the bright idea to use the faces from the decorated pumpkins that were still sitting on our front porch covered in snow. So the snowman has ears, a nose, eyes, a mouth and a witch hat... So cute!!

I wish I still got as excited about snow as my boys do! I remember loving it when I was a kid, but I think once I had to start driving in it I fell out of love with the stuff. If only it wasn't so cold!! I would much rather be hot than cold! Thank goodness for my boys though, for reminding me how much fun it was to be a kid!

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