Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Another one about me...

I know, I know... another post about me... BORING! But I just wanted to tell any of you who care, that I just completed my very first half marathon last Saturday up in Huntsville, Utah. Yup, that's right 13.1 miles!! It was awesome! It was such an amazing feeling to know that I am capable of doing such a thing. I've never considered myself a runner, I just started it because I thought it would be a convenient way for me to get into better shape. After a few months of running consistently, I finally convinced myself that I LOVE RUNNING! And since I had fallen in love with it, I decided that I wanted to do more of it... and so, long story short, I decided to try a half marathon. And I finished it! At about mile 12 I was literally saying out loud to myself "Wow! I rock! I can totally do this! I'm going to run 13.1 miles!" It was such a euphoric feeling! Then adding to the euphoria was the feeling of immense joy I felt when I saw my husband and beautiful boys on the sidelines cheering me on with homemade signs that said "Mom you Rock!" or "You did it Mom!" I was seriously crying as I crossed the finish line! What a great day it was! I am so blessed to have a healthy body and such a wonderful and supportive family. Who could ask for anything more? There, I'm done... now I'll go back to posting about the boys.


Shane and Geana said...

I think we should post about ourselves more often. That is a great accomplishment. I have heard many times, once you love running you will love it forever, but I cant get there. It kicks my butt. Way to go!!

Stacey said...

That totally made my eyes well up! Congrats! I used to be VERY into running in college. It all ended as soon as I peed on the pregnancy stick and found out I was pregnant with Faith. I would like to get into it all again in a few years. I have to fab, not frumpy at 40. BTW, I will totally blog about myself when something exciting happens!

Kellybee said...

Wendi! I can't tell you how happy I am for you that you accomplished this goal. What a feeling it must be. That is no easy task, and I know the hard work and dedication that you put into it. You totally deserve to blog about yourself on this one! Now, after this baby is born, you've got to get me going again! Congrats! Love ya!