Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Midas Creek Halloween Carnival

Drew's elementary school held their 2nd annual Halloween carnival last Friday night and we all had a blast! One of my room mom responsibilities was coordinating a booth at the event so I did a "Monster Eyes" game where kids bounced a ping-pong ball painted like an eyeball into a cup of water. It was just one of 30 booths spread out all over the school. Drew got his hair spray painted, they both made crafts, played games, ate goodies and had an all around great time!
As you can see, this year Drew decided to be a gladiator and Will chose to be Elvis. We're sorry to disappoint those of you who had come to expect us to dress up in a family theme as we have every year in the past... Jeff and I had two other parties to dress up for, so we just decided to all do our own thing this year. But they're still cute as can be, even without a theme!

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